I think it was a great addition to Sears. The staff at the Dinair Sears counter were super nice and very helpful. Too bad it was pulled just after 3 months. I had originally thought it was Sears that pulled it, but I just found out that it was Dinair. The staff had received a phone call one morning, and told to pack up and not come back. It was a very sad day at Sears.
It sucks for people like me, who had bought the kit. Luckily, I bought some extra colours. But now, when I need re-fills, it will be a very annoying process, and possibly a difficult one.
Not sure why they decided to pull out. But I do think they made one big mistake.
Advertising. Products don't sell themselves. I didn't see or hear of any advertising about Dinair at Sears. I had originally walked by the counter a couple of times, and had no idea what it was about until I decided to stop and check it out. Perhaps even advertising before it was launched to create anticipation, and then have a big launch event. Maybe they did have a launch event, but I didn't know about it.