Sunday, February 26, 2012

Homeless in Yorkville?

I learned something interesting this weekend about those who beg on the streets of Yorkville.  Both yesterday and today I offered food to homeless people on the street, and in both instances they refused!!! 
The man today was begging in a loud voice about how he was soo hungry.  What a lie.  All he wanted was money.   Do these people have no shame?  When I offered him my leftovers he had had no interest.  So I walked away disgusted.
The first supposedly homeless man on Saturday was an older man who was sitting in the floor with a blanket.  When I asked him if he wanted my leftover noodles he said no!  That it had too much sodium. 
If someone is truly hungry they will eat anything.  Period! 
This was the first time Ive had homeless people refuse food.  It just reinforces my belief to never give them money. 

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